Tax Incentives for Homeowners Who Perform Regular HVAC Maintenance in Broward County, FL

Broward County offers tax incentives for homeowners who perform regular HVAC maintenance such as rebates, loan programs, gifts, weatherstripping & caulking.

Tax Incentives for Homeowners Who Perform Regular HVAC Maintenance in Broward County, FL

Energy efficiency improvements often require substantial financial investments, and for homeowners, this may mean that while investments in energy efficiency make sense financially in the long term, they may not be financially viable in the short term. To help bridge the gap between energy efficiency and project affordability, utility providers, states, and the federal government offer incentives for energy efficiency and conservation. These incentives come in many forms, such as rebates, loan programs, and gifts. Not only is energy auditing one of the most common energy efficiency incentives offered, but it is also arguably the most valuable.

Utility providers often have trained energy efficiency consultants on their staff to help customers identify particular areas where energy efficiency improvements can be made. In recent years, utility companies have also diversified their auditing programs, offering customers a range of tools to assess their home's efficiency and identify potential efficiency improvements that are cost-effective. During a home audit, consultants will inspect many different features of the home that are often inefficient, but that typical customers may inadvertently overlook as opportunities to save energy. Before making any major energy efficiency improvements, consult a professionally trained energy efficiency expert.

In general, the structural characteristics of a house are the first elements to consider when identifying areas to improve efficiency. Common structural rebates include those for adding insulation and shading to the attic or replacing old or inefficient windows. Making these improvements helps reduce the demand for a home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, which means that the same level of comfort can be achieved in indoor heating and cooling services with smaller, more efficient, and more economical units. In addition, these types of renovations often qualify for loan programs that focus on residential energy efficiency.

Some structural incentives, such as gifts of weatherstripping and caulking, aim to reduce leaks and improve the general air conditioning of homes. These small changes reduce air exchange between the house and the outside, making your conditioned space less drafty and reducing your home's heating and air conditioning needs. In most Florida homes, mechanical systems consume the most energy, so they are often good candidates for incentive programs. The mechanical system of a house consists mainly of the components of the air conditioning system, the performance of which is largely affected by the quality and condition of the insulation of the windows and the attic of the house.

HVAC ducts, which carry air conditioning throughout the house, can be a major source of energy loss since any leak will result in the loss of hot or cold air as well as infiltration of unconditioned air. Most utility companies offer rebates for having HVAC systems and ducts sealed and maintained by licensed professionals. To replace central air conditioning systems many rebates from utilities and manufacturers may apply. In addition certain energy efficiency loan programs apply specifically to HVAC unit improvements.

Switching from incandescent lighting to low-voltage more energy-efficient lighting such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) is a relatively low-cost investment so it's not eligible for many incentive programs. However you can often get CFLs through gifts in utility purchase programs through local providers or at other local energy efficiency events. Load management programs rely on real-time flow of information to provide signals at times of peak demand and on tools that allow users to respond reduce or shift demand accordingly. If customers make decisions about when and how to adjust usage then this program is usually voluntary.

When structured so that utility companies can override customer's system as needed then this is a “direct load control approach”.An indirect load management strategy provides incentives for use of standby generators or other forms of on-site generation (e.g., renewable energy) during periods of peak demand. Incentives can take form of direct price signal (such as tiered or time-of-use rate structure) or monthly credit or refund on utility bill granted to customer based on their maximum savings. Florida has enormous solar potential but until now has not lived up to that potential but lately has made great strides. Although Florida has third best physical and geographical condition in country for solar energy its policies keep it in 18th place in terms of installed solar capacity. It is crucial to recognize that degree of increase in home value as result of new air conditioning system can fluctuate depending on multiple factors such as local real estate market general condition of property and distinctive characteristics of air conditioning system. Broward County now offers Go SOLAR* online permits for obtaining permits for rooftop solar PV systems. Although this credit is mainly for renewable energy it could cover part of HVAC expenses if HVAC system is part of overall energy efficiency improvement project. In addition new air conditioning system can reduce maintenance costs provide competitive advantage in real estate market and create favorable impression of care and maintenance of property.

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